Basic Machines and How They Work Naval Education And Training Program eBook

Only elementary math skills are needed to follow this manual, which covers many machines and their components, including hydrostatics and hydraulics, internal combustion engines, trains, and more. 204 black-and-white illustrations.
Basic Machines and How They Work Naval Education And Training Program eBook
A decent book, but way overrated here. How many people could read the last chapter (13 - Power Trains) and get anything practical out of the mind-numbing detail? There are also several sloppy mistakes throughout the text that make it a bit difficult to follow at times: a lowercase "L" ("l") becomes a "1" in the lever formula (original formula is on 1-4, incorrect versions are on 3-1, 4-1); typos in numbers (e.g. "10" is written instead of "20" on 6-5); "330" is a typo instead of "300" on 3-4; etc. For a book without much math in it, they could have been more meticulous with the little bit they did include.Assuming you know absolutely nothing about machines (like me) -- then this is a good book if you read the first 12 chapters (not really counting chapter 11, which is way too diffuse to be useful), and if you're careful with all the Navy jargon ("block" = "pulley", "tackle"="fall"="rope", etc.).
Assuming you already know how all the machines work, this book will probably be a handy refresher and review.
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Tags : Basic Machines and How They Work - Kindle edition by Naval Education And Training Program. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Basic Machines and How They Work.,ebook,Naval Education And Training Program,Basic Machines and How They Work,TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING Mechanical
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Basic Machines and How They Work Naval Education And Training Program eBook Reviews
This gives such a cool run down on machines, how they work, what they were used for and the time period where they came from. It's full of information. Awesome book.
This is an awesome little book.
For those who have taken some basic science classes, a good part of it will be review. But, it gives clear and simple explanations of a lot of different types of basic machinery which you won't find in many other books. If you want a short primer on basic machinery, this is the book for you.
This is a very fundamental text and as such it is a excellent basis for further study in the subjects of mechanics and physics. You would be surprised how most people especially the younger generation, though clearly comfortable with current technology especially the use of electronic devices, cannot grasp the simple concept of a lever arm or why you need to understand geometry, trig functions, basic physical properties of fluids, etc... Anyway, I liked it and I keep it handy on my desk for occasions when simple examples are required for clarification purposes. A good follow on text is "Making Things Move" by Dustyn Roberts, also well written for the layman, student or hobbyist.
It appears a lot of the contents in this book were barrowed from older Navy training manuals. I would suspect in response to the outbreak of WWII when we needed a lot of everything quickly not to mention trained personnel to operate, maintain and repair the ships, aircraft and myriad of associated equipment. This book presents solid basics every mechanic, builder or operator, no matter their experience level can use to learn how to do their job better. In 2017 this book would be excellent for new DIYers and "old hands". to learn or re-learn the basics of how things work. I have over 20 years of experience as an aircraft mechanic in the military and in the first few minutes of perusing this book I learned something new. This an excellent reference book for anybody owning and maintaining a house or vehicle.
Good book for a crash course in basic machinery. The graphics are a little hard to see, but after enough staring you can visualize the gears turning, the pulleys rotating, and the differential working. Recommended.
I was in the Navy so I'm partial I guess but I think this is a great book for anyone. Great basics of machines, physics and mechanics. A really good introduction or refresher. If you're thinking about going in to Engineering or Physics get this book and commit to knowing this stuff really really well. It will serve you the rest of your life/career.
Math needed is simple algebra. Good diagrams and pictures and great examples for added context.
Got this book as a gift for my father, a former Navy Machinest's Mate. He loved it and it brought back old memories. The lessons were clear and concise with the text and copious detailed graphics working well together. Basic Machines and How They Work starts with explaining the classical simple machines, lever, inclined plane, pully and its relation to the lever, compound pully, and screw and its relation to the inclined plane. Book then proceeds to combine these simple machines and explain how these simple machines build up to more complicated mechanical structures clutches, transmissions, and internal combustion engines, all with a sailor's point of view and sprinkled with nautical jargon. A good basis, too, for high school physics students.
A decent book, but way overrated here. How many people could read the last chapter (13 - Power Trains) and get anything practical out of the mind-numbing detail? There are also several sloppy mistakes throughout the text that make it a bit difficult to follow at times a lowercase "L" ("l") becomes a "1" in the lever formula (original formula is on 1-4, incorrect versions are on 3-1, 4-1); typos in numbers (e.g. "10" is written instead of "20" on 6-5); "330" is a typo instead of "300" on 3-4; etc. For a book without much math in it, they could have been more meticulous with the little bit they did include.
Assuming you know absolutely nothing about machines (like me) -- then this is a good book if you read the first 12 chapters (not really counting chapter 11, which is way too diffuse to be useful), and if you're careful with all the Navy jargon ("block" = "pulley", "tackle"="fall"="rope", etc.).
Assuming you already know how all the machines work, this book will probably be a handy refresher and review.

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